Suspense, Thriller, & Horror
Overview of The Suspense/Thriller
Overview of The Suspense/Thriller
Representative Films:
Representative Films:
1960 - Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
1960 - Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Hitchcock (2012, Dir Sacha Gervasi)
Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015, Dir. Kent Jones)
Cinephilia & Beyond - A treasure trove of resources!
1974 - Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
1974 - Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
Cinephilia & Beyond - A treasure trove of resources!
1975 - Directed by Steven Spielberg
1975 - Directed by Steven Spielberg
Cinephilia & Beyond - A treasure trove of resources!
"The Real-Life Drama That Almost Prevented Steven Spielberg's 'Jaws' From Being Made" by Lloyd Farley for Collider
"Jaws, 40 years on: ‘One of the truly great and lasting classics of American cinema’" by Mark Kermode for The Guardian
"‘Jaws’ Is the Perfect Blockbuster, Saying Nothing yet Signifying Everything" by Adam Nayman for The Ringer
1982 - Directed by John Carpenter
1982 - Directed by John Carpenter
1995 - Directed by David Fincher
1995 - Directed by David Fincher
Cinephilia & Beyond - A treasure trove of resources!
"What’s in the Box?: The Terrifying Truth of ‘Se7en’" by Adam Nayman for The Ringer