Guilt and Regret: Revenge, Redemption, or Ruin
Essential Questions
Why is revenge satisfying?
When, if ever, is revenge appropriate?
Why is guilt so debilitating?
What is the appropriate response to regret?
What allows us to be redeemed? Does the allowance come from within or from others?
Can we learn anything from guilt and regret?
How might guilt and revenge ruin a person?
Major Texts
Supplementary Texts
Auden, W. H. - "Funeral Blues"
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
Donne, John - "Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnet 10)"
Heaney, Seamus - "Blackberry Picking"
Henley, William Ernest - "Invictus"
Herbert, George - "Easter Wings"
Housman, A. E. - "To an Athlete Dying Young"
Housman, A. E. - "When I Was One and Twenty"
Jonson, Ben - "On My First Son"
Owen, Wilfred - "Dulce et Decorum Est"
Yeats, W. B. - "When You Are Old"
Anonymous - "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (retold by Susan Thompson)
Joyce, James - "Araby"